The text in Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (NKJV). I am humbled and honored as I write this editorial... read more →
The New York Conference held its first quinquennial Constituency Session on Sunday, April 30, at Union Springs Academy in Union Springs, New York. The delegates voted to elect Miguel Crespo,... read more →
Mission trips are a way for people to help others in times of their greatest need, whether it be physically or spiritually. Those traveling on these trips usually grow in... read more →
The Bible is filled with many accounts of Jesus’ interactions with people. He developed personal connections throughout His life on earth. He was on a mission to save lives and... read more →
The 31st Atlantic Union Conference Constituency Session is history. Delegates made their decisions about who will serve for the next five years. They also received reports concerning the work in... read more →
The 31st constituency session of the Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists convened on Sunday, August 14, 2022, at the Boxboro Regency Hotel and Conference Center in Boxborough, Massachusetts. The... read more →
Eight students from academies across the Atlantic Union Conference received the 2022 Caring Heart Award. This award was established to recognize students attending Adventist academies who have “demonstrated a personal... read more →
Fifty years ago, on Memorial Day weekend in May 1972, my dear dad died at the age of 57. He was what you would consider a “lay preacher” in the... read more →
Administrators, departmental directors, pastors, educators, and other workers and guests, entrusted with the responsibility of leading God’s work throughout the Atlantic Union Conference territory, gathered at the Hartford Marriott in... read more →
At its regularly scheduled quarterly meeting on February 15, 2022, the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee elected Ted Huskins to serve as executive secretary of the union, effective March 1.... read more →