One of my favorite professors in seminary asked us why God chose Abraham as the beginning point for creating a remnant. Obviously, it was a question we had never thought... read more →
Sometimes, we have clichéd ideas about ministering to young people. We think of our youth department leaders as party planners and entertainers. Their job is to keep the kids interested... read more →
Every time we read God’s Word, new facets of truth emerge to deepen our understanding and perspective. The Bible is a never-ending source of discovery, which is one of the... read more →
What does being a Christian mean to you? How does being a Seventh-day Adventist Christian make your life different from the average person you work with or live near who... read more →
Do you have a favorite holiday? Three of our most celebrated holidays fall within five weeks of each other: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. If I had to choose a... read more →
Our lives can change so quickly. In an instant, our world can be altered either for good or bad. The older we get, the more we have experienced these defining... read more →