At its regularly scheduled quarterly meeting on February 15, 2022, the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee elected Ted Huskins to serve as executive secretary of the union, effective March 1.... read more →
The Atlantic Union Conference joins the Greater New York Conference and the North American Division to heartily condemn any rhetoric or behavior that perpetuates violence against women or any person.... read more →
On November 17, 2021, the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Committee elected Pierre Omeler to serve as the new president of the Atlantic Union Conference, effective immediately. The vote comes as... read more →
The 2021 Atlantic Union Conference Compassion Rally commenced on Friday evening, October 8, with a virtual consecration service that aired live on YouTube and Facebook. Teddy Williamson, associate Youth Ministries... read more →
The world has changed dramatically in almost two years since researchers identified the novel coronavirus. As we experienced lockdowns and acclimated to wearing masks, new terms such as “social distancing”... read more →
The coronavirus has halted many things, but it has not dampened the missionary spirit of our members. In the United States, we've seen the impact COVID-19 has had on communities,... read more →
Two teachers from the Atlantic Union Conference territory were recognized this year for their teaching contributions and received the Hi-5 4 Teachers award. Maria Thomas, a teacher at Whispering Pines... read more →
The Atlantic Union Conference Office of Education looks forward to hosting the annual Academy Connect—a time for teens to connect with each other and to Christ. Last year, the coronavirus... read more →
The North American Division (NAD) Youth and Young Adult Ministries partnered with young people and Youth Ministries leaders from around the Atlantic Union Conference during the month of February to... read more →
In 2003 on Valentine’s Day weekend, some 150 young adults braved the cold weather to worship together at Camp Winnekeag in Ashburnham, Massachusetts. They came out for the first-ever GODencounters... read more →