As snow and mixed precipitation moved into New England, education leaders representing elementary and secondary schools from all six conferences in the Atlantic Union territory boarded flights headed to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, for the Called to Serve Leadership Summit, January 28-31. The Atlantic Union Conference Office of Education envisioned the event to empower and support school principals, vice principals, and conference superintendents of schools and their teams. Through thoughtful planning and much prayer by Marlene Alvarez, education vice president, and associate directors Lileth Coke and Theresa Robidoux, the vision became a reality with exceptional logistical support from Millie Felt, administrative assistant.
Guest presenters from Andrews University: Bordes Henry-Saturné, leadership department chair and associate professor of Educational Leadership, and Janet Ledesma, associate dean and professor, Educational Leadership coordinator, challenged the attendees through informative, interactive sessions using the textbook for the seminar, The Leadership Lessons of Jesus: A Timeless Model for Today’s Leaders. Atlantic Union Conference administrators Pierre E. Omeler, president; Ted A. Huskins, secretary; and Elias F. Zabala, Sr., treasurer, provided practical and spiritual inspiration through presentations and stirring devotional sessions; and Sherina Phillips, Northeastern Conference associate superintendent of schools, brought in the technical component with a “Data Roll-up.”
Dorcas Tosi, Bayberry Christian school principal, especially appreciated the interactive group assignments led by Henry-Saturné and Ledesma. “I loved the book and the activities! I’m going home with the feeling that I want to share what I experienced with my teachers.”
Liola Mathieson, Worcester school principal, was “very pleased and excited” with the event. “The presenters gave us ideas on managing possible situations that may arise with courage and how to lead like Jesus. [They also] redirected our minds to reflect on the importance of balancing work, personal life, and rest.”
Vice principals Judith White, Oakview Preparatory School, and Walter Szoboszlai, Greater New York Academy, shared their appreciation for their leadership lessons. “I learned that people are much more important than traditions,” said White. Szoboszlai looks forward to “working better with the teachers and ensuring we are all leading in the same direction.”
Camille Brace, North Star Christian school principal, particularly enjoyed “the camaraderie shared with fellow educators, leaders, and people in positions who are going through similar things.” She added, “It’s been such a blessing to worship with them and develop new friendships with people in similar situations.”
During her closing remarks, Alvarez thanked the Atlantic Union Conference administration for supporting Christian education and encouraged the education leaders. “We pray that during your time here, you were able to reflect and refresh, you were rejuvenated, and you were able to relax and renew. As you return to your campuses, we pray you will return with fresh perspectives, ideas, and bodies.”
—Debra Banks Cuadro, communication director and Gleaner editor, Atlantic Union Conference