Since 2008, the Woodstock church in Maine has hosted an annual worship event called “Break Forth,” incorporating the creativity of its members, especially the younger ones. Christie Hodson, a long-time Woodstock youth leader, has organized this special Sabbath as a way to bless the church and guests from the community. Sabbath, March 11, was the most recent of these events, after a lengthy hiatus due to the worldwide pandemic. The theme this year was “God’s Faithfulness.”
When asked to tell the “origin story” for this ministry endeavor, Hodson said, “Break Forth was born out of the desire of two creative and energetic Sabbath School students and their scatterbrained yet equally ambitious teacher. Our desire was to reach others about Jesus through numerous artistic ways. What started out as puppet [shows] to other church classrooms led to outreach at the local nursing home, then to church services that included skits, scripture, pantomimes, photography, art, sign language, stick drama, and so much more.”
In 2008, they centered their first church service around the theme of God and Prayer. One of those two original students came up with the name “Break Forth,” inspired by the words in Isaiah 55, and specifically verse 12. It is with great humility that Break Forth tries to present God’s Word through artistic avenues and bring together those who share a desire to spread the gospel in that way.
The Woodstock church hopes this ministry continues until Jesus returns, as it is a great blessing to everyone!
—Steve Dayen, pastor, Woodstock church