The Great Commission found in Mark 16:15 is an invitation for each member to do their part in loving others, caring for the needs of others, and reaching others for... read more →
While visiting the Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., I was given a mission to save the world from a great tragedy. Although the hour was late, I focused on my... read more →
In 1990, Andraé Crouch penned the words to the song “Through It All.” He shares that through it all, he has “learned to trust in Jesus,” and he has “learned... read more →
There are many stories in the Bible that speak about readiness. Readiness is the state of being fully prepared for something. We are admonished to be ready for the battle... read more →
The world has changed. Family structure has changed. Children are maturing physically, mentally, and (sometimes) spiritually faster than previous generations. Parents and other adults in their sphere of influence have... read more →