In today’s rapidly changing world, the message and mission of the Adventist Church have never been more pertinent. As global challenges intensify and moral values shift, the church’s role in offering hope, guidance, and solace becomes increasingly significant. God has called us to share the love of Christ and the promise of His soon return, making our mission abundantly clear: to be a source of hope and truth in a world often filled with despair and confusion. This mission is not merely a duty but a privilege. Christ has called us to embody His love in our interactions, reflecting His compassion, mercy, and grace. This divine commission compels us to reach out to those who are hurting, lost, and seeking meaning in their lives, offering them the transformative message of salvation.
The effective fulfillment of our mission is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us the necessary gifts and abilities to witness God’s amazing love. Inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives gives us the power to overcome challenges and the wisdom to navigate complex situations. Ellen White reminds us, “Only to those who wait humbly upon God, who watch for His guidance and grace, is the Spirit given. The power of God awaits their demand and reception. This promised blessing, claimed by faith, brings all other blessings in its train. It is given according to the riches of the grace of Christ, and He is ready to supply every soul according to the capacity to receive”—The Desire of Ages, p. 672. Therefore, seeking the Holy Spirit should be our continual pursuit.
However, as we fervently seek the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, let us remember that we are not called to work alone. Our calling is to work together as a united church to accomplish our mission. A united church radiates Christ’s love and draws others into its embrace. A united church possesses the power to transform lives and communities. A united church ignites spiritual revival and renewal. A united church has a greater impact, reaching hearts and minds more effectively. A united church can conquer any obstacle and remain strong while facing challenges. A united church transforms its environment through service, love, and compassion. A united church exemplifies the unity and harmony that Christ desires for all His followers. Our impact becomes even greater when we work together and stay focused on our purpose. All of us in the Atlantic Union must strive for unity in our mission and work together with a singular focus on reaching the world with the gospel, for it is in our unity that we find our strength and power.
Ellen White emphasized that before our Lord’s return, there will be a revival of primitive godliness. (The Great Controversy, p. 464). This revival is a return to the early church’s earnest, fervent, and sincere faith. It calls for a deep, personal relationship with Christ, marked by heartfelt prayer, diligent study of the Scriptures, and a life of service. In these final days, the church must experience this revival, demonstrating the life-changing power of the gospel and becoming a powerful testimony.
My hope and prayer for the Atlantic Union and its members is that we all feel a deep need to grow closer to Christ and seek His presence every day. Let us develop intimacy with Christ and seek the Holy Spirit’s transforming love and empowerment to ignite our enthusiasm and fuel our passion to reach those who are lost.