Dear Friends and Members,
Some of you have reached out to us with questions and concerns about recent changes to U.S. immigration policy and enforcement. These changes are troubling to many because they represent a departure from past immigration policy, which allowed the church to be a haven for worship free from government intervention.
The church is a community of believers apart from national or ethnic boundaries or other man-made designations (Galatians 3:28). The church is God’s house, a place where all are welcomed without restriction. The Atlantic Union Conference is committed to protecting our schools and churches from outside entities who would disrupt worship or the peaceful pursuit of education. While we wish to be good citizens, and we encourage compliance with the legal law of the countries in which we reside, we also understand that everyone has certain rights under the law regardless of their national citizenship or country of origin. We strongly advocate for the right to worship without harassment.
We want to reassure you that our churches and schools are places of worship and learning, and service is extended to all without discrimination. We strive to create safe spaces where God’s children can grow into the fullness of Christian character. We encourage each local church pastor and each principal to reassure attendees and students that the churches and schools of the Atlantic Union remain focused on our mission, “United We Go to Grow God’s Kingdom.”
Please know that we care deeply for all our students and anyone who comes to the church to encounter God. If you have any concerns or need additional assistance, our Religious Liberty department, under the leadership of Charles Eusey, Esq. and John Ashmeade, Esq., along with the entire Atlantic Union Conference administration, stands ready to support you. We will continue to provide a community of safety, support, and compassion. Additionally, please click here to see the statement from the North American Division that we affirm.
In Christian Service,
Abraham J. Jules, President
Ted A. Huskins, Secretary
Elias F. Zabla, Sr., Treasurer
Follow this link to access Guidance on Immigration Enforcement Activity on Church and School Property, a guideline for pastors and school leaders from the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Office of General Counsel.