Love. Happiness. Are they just fancy, storybook words, or are they real concepts? Can they really be obtained? Yes, they are real, and they can be obtained, in as little as 10 days, possibly. Those very ideas were the crux of a series of presentations by Jeffrey Brown, titled “10 Days to Finding Love and Happiness.”
In October 2022, Brown went to the Warwick church in Bermuda to show participants how to find love and happiness and reveal that those two things could actually be located in a pretty familiar place.
For 10 nights, Brown, who is an associate secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association and the associate editor of Ministry magazine, shared a new topic, with each collectively working as stepping stones on the path leading to love and happiness. Nightly topics included, “How to Find a Good Man,” “Bermuda Idol Meets Miss Bermuda,” “You Are Not Alone,” and “God’s Dating App,” to name just a few. With each presentation, Brown provided biblical insights and practical tips to enable participants to grasp the concepts he shared. At the end of each night, the attendees were able to move a little closer on the journey to understanding what love and happiness actually entail.
The true beauty of the presentations was that each one was based on one of the 10 Commandments. Each topic, or stepping stone, had one of the 10 Commandments as its core. Love and happiness, such widely sought-after ideals, could be simply realized by obeying one of the oldest systems of laws—God’s 10 Commandments. By honoring God, refusing to have idols in their lives, treating God’s name with reverence, keeping the Sabbath holy, obeying their mothers and fathers, not committing murders, being faithful to their spouses, not stealing, choosing to tell the truth, and being appreciative of what they have and not desiring what is not theirs, they can find love and happiness. When they simply adopt the 10 Commandments into their lives they can come closer to finding love and happiness. Brown showed that what people want, what many are desperately searching for, can be found in the Bible. And that was truly eye opening!
Brown and his wife, Pattiejean, who is originally from Southampton, Bermuda, have written several books on love and happiness, including Total Marriage, and The Four Love Seasons. He has pastored in England and in Canada and previously served as the president and Family Ministries director of the Bermuda Conference.
Along with the powerful nightly messages, attendees also experienced wonderful special music, seasons of prayer, special features, and pop quizzes. Plus, there was a special presentation of the film Return to Palau, and warm soup was provided at the beginning of each service. The series was a special occasion, and much thanks to the Browns for sharing such a paramount message with the people of Bermuda. The messages taught many to find love and happiness, and some truly took them to heart.
Three young people who attended gave their hearts to the Lord and were baptized at the conclusion of the meeting. Several others also revealed their interest in getting baptized at a later date. Credit for the baptismal decisions also goes to Eloise Symonds, who gave several Bible studies to the young baptismal candidates, which helped lead them to make the choice. Praise God that so many people were receptive!
—Randall Lister, member, Warwick church