The “Hope Still Lives” Evangelistic Series, a virtual event, was broadcasted nightly from November 29 to December 5, 2020, with eight speakers from the North American Division, the General Conference, and the Atlantic Union. On each consecutive night, the speakers brought fresh insights on a basic Adventist theme of hope in times of crisis, as they applied biblical urgency to the demand for a redeeming response to the upheavals of an unprecedented year.
Reginald Barthelemy, Greater New York Conference ministerial secretary and Men’s Ministries director, expressed his joy to have served as the chairman of the Hope Still Lives Planning Committee. He confirmed that the initial idea of a series to culminate a tough year was advanced by the Men’s Ministries Advisory as they prayed for a meaningful response to the year in order to galvanize and energize the church.
Consequently, a discussion between Barthelemy and Henry Beras, Greater New York Conference president, moved the idea from a Men’s Ministries event to a conference-driven event. Beras expressed excitement as he felt the scope of the idea was worthy of a more inclusive platform.
Rohann Wellington, Greater New York Conference English Ministries director and AUAM (Atlantic Union Adventist Media) managing director, did some “heavy lifting” with his production team to make the virtual experience one to be remembered. Each night saw thousands engaged on YouTube, Facebook, and the AUAM website.
The Greater New York Conference was blessed with the addition of individuals who accepted Jesus Christ through baptism, and many more candidates are still studying to be baptized in the near future. Beras wishes to thank all the speakers who were willing to make themselves available, as well as the many conference and lay members who volunteered in service to the Lord.
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