“Today’s world portrays different challenges for those who have decided to follow Jesus, especially our youth and young adults,” says Enmanuel Contreras, Greater New York Conference (GNYC) Youth and Young Adult Ministries director. “Those challenges have caused some to promote the idea that our youth and young adults are no longer interested in reading the Bible and learning its teachings. However, we have discovered that our youth and young adults love the Lord and, with like passion, love the teachings of His Word.” It is for this reason that the Greater New York Conference Youth Ministries Department supports the Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE), not as a competition among Pathfinders but as a powerful way to grow in their faith through the memorization of Scripture passages and also, to share Jesus with those who have not yet surrendered to Him.
At PBE, Pathfinders are tested on specific subjects of the Bible, Bible characters, crucial moments in the life of Jesus, and others from which they obtain applications for daily life. The PBE dares the Pathfinders to work together and deepens their understanding of teamwork. It prepares the Pathfinder to become a spiritual young adult and helps the Pathfinder to understand and use Scriptures to teach practical lessons to others. It is an experience that requires dedication, sacrifice, and much prayer.
The first stop in the Pathfinder Bible Experience 2023 journey began on January 14, with a PBE mock test at the local church that provides an overview of the PBE journey and expectations. The second stop was on February 4 at the PBE area testing. For the entire month, the teams who advance to represent their churches and areas continue their preparation to be tested at the local conference level, which took place on March 4 at the Victory church in Bronx, New York.
Next, the teams that scored first- and second-place moved to the Atlantic Union Conference PBE on March 25 at South Lancaster Academy in Lancaster, Massachusetts. Finally, the teams that scored in first place moved to the North American Division PBE on April 21-22 in Tampa, Florida. The book chosen for PBE in 2023 was the Gospel of John.
Three teams from two churches represented the Greater New York Conference. God’s Army represented Old Westbury church and two teams, Morning Star and Day Dawn represented First Ghana church. “We are excited to report that, with great diligence and by the grace of God, the three teams representing the Greater New York Conference were among those who won first place at the North American Division PBE,” said Contreras.
“We thank the Lord for His blessings for this great testimony. We are also grateful for the support teams and staff; Sherma Baptiste, lead coordinator for PBE ministry at Greater New York Conference, who attended the event in Tampa, Florida; Andrew Gordon, GNYC Club Ministries assistant; the local church leadership, pastors, elders, parents, chaperones, coaches, and area coordinators; the Greater New York Conference administrators and Youth Ministries directors; and the Atlantic Union Conference Youth Ministries Department, who supported the teams at all levels.”
Youth and Young Adult Ministries, Greater New York Conference