The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim good news are a great army. — Psalm 68:11, NASB There is a prophecy in Ps. 68:11. . . . I... read more →
On Tuesday, February 1, 2022, the Northeastern Conference Executive Committee made conference history by establishing its first virtual church. Members voted The Living Manna First Online Seventh-day Adventist Church and... read more →
On November 6, 2021, family members and friends joined Northeastern Conference administrators, departmental and ministry leaders, pastors, employees, volunteers, and members for a consecration service to begin a new quadrennial... read more →
Bayberry Christian School in Osterville, Massachusetts, has experienced many positive changes in the 2021-2022 school year. At the beginning of the term in August 2021, they opened a new Pre-K/Kindergarten... read more →
Pastors Reflect on Ministry and the Future of Church In 2020, soon after identifying COVID-19, the northeast portion of the U.S. was inundated with positive cases and deaths. Pastors in... read more →
The world has changed dramatically in almost two years since researchers identified the novel coronavirus. As we experienced lockdowns and acclimated to wearing masks, new terms such as “social distancing”... read more →
As vaccination rates increase and many states reopen, people are hopeful about moving toward a new normal. The Atlantic Union Conference Office of Education chose “Fresh Beginning” as a fitting... read more →
The coronavirus has halted many things, but it has not dampened the missionary spirit of our members. In the United States, we've seen the impact COVID-19 has had on communities,... read more →
Two teachers from the Atlantic Union Conference territory were recognized this year for their teaching contributions and received the Hi-5 4 Teachers award. Maria Thomas, a teacher at Whispering Pines... read more →
PHOTO CAPTION: Boston Celtics center Tacko Fall (bottom) congratulates Nicole Broushet (right corner), owner of The Vegan Nest Cafe, for being chosen to receive the $25,000 Power Foward Small Business... read more →