On May 16, four community baby showers took place across Massachusetts in Attleboro, Clinton, Springfield, and Worcester. Each location provided physically distant access to free baby supplies and maternal wellness... read more →
An estimated 70-80 percent of Adventist college-aged young people attend a non-Adventist institution of higher learning. While proponents of Adventist education encourage young adults to attend one of 13 Adventist... read more →
The Atlantic Union Conference Office of Education looks forward to hosting the annual Academy Connect—a time for teens to connect with each other and to Christ. Last year, the coronavirus... read more →
Eight pathfinder clubs from the Atlantic Union advanced to the division-level Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) during the virtual union-level PBE on March 27. The North American Division (NAD) will host... read more →
Nicole Broushet and her husband, Victor, are personal ministries leaders at the College Church in Lancaster, Massachusetts, and are owners of The Vegan Nest, a café in Worcester, Massachusetts. Broushet,... read more →
The North American Division (NAD) Youth and Young Adult Ministries partnered with young people and Youth Ministries leaders from around the Atlantic Union Conference during the month of February to... read more →
While doing some research on the New York Conference (NYC) history, Claudio Gomez, NYC executive secretary, discovered some old copies of The New York Indicator, a magazine published in the... read more →
In 2003 on Valentine’s Day weekend, some 150 young adults braved the cold weather to worship together at Camp Winnekeag in Ashburnham, Massachusetts. They came out for the first-ever GODencounters... read more →
The Atlantic Union Conference Prayer Ministries seeks to create opportunities where the value and need of prayer are promoted and more people are encouraged to grasp what God offers through... read more →
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven,... read more →