The Joy of Troy church Men’s Ministries department recognized the women of the church, including missing members and women in the neighborhood Quadrant, in honor of Mother’s Day on May 8. The men delivered gift bags and inspirational messages. On a mug from Men’s Ministries was imprinted the verse “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”—Proverbs 31:30, NIV.
They delivered a gift to a previous member’s home, but when they discovered that the woman no longer lived there, they presented the gift to the woman who answered the door, much to her surprise. Another woman received her gift and sent a message thanking the men for the “beautiful Mother’s Day gift.” Other recipients included a member of the Quadrant whose lawn was mowed last year during compassion weekend, a neighbor across the street, and relatives of members who live in the area.
This gesture touched the women, especially the missing members and those in the community who were surprised by the recognition. It was a tremendous blessing that the men not only went the extra mile, but many miles to deliver gifts to those who were not able to be at church in person.
Peace Officers Memorial Day
On Peace Officers Memorial Day, recognized each year on May 15, the Joy of Troy church delivered cakes and cupcakes to thank the Troy Police Department and Lansingburgh Fire Department for their service to the community and Quadrant.
While at the police department, members could see a screen on the wall showing all the calls in progress in the city. One of the members, whose son is a police officer, mentioned John 15:13, 14 to express support for all they do. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends” (KJV).
The Troy Police Department posted the church’s visit on their Facebook page. People from the Quadrant posted their comments expressing appreciation and surprise. The timeliness of the delivery to the fire department was orchestrated by God.
Tuesdays With the Doctors
Once or twice per month, the Joy of Troy church hosts a program via Zoom called “Tuesdays With the Doctors.” The program features a doctor, or other professional, who provides advice and information on a specific topic for the community. The presentations included topics such as tax tips, grief, spinal health, and allergies. Other scheduled upcoming topics include women’s health, diabetes, breast cancer and reconstruction, diverticulitis, elder care, and additional sessions on spinal health and grief. These sessions are also streamed live on Facebook. Although this is a new program, there have been several visitors at each session.
Other Ministries to the Community
Other ministries the church has been involved with in the Joy of Troy community this year include making sandwiches for the homeless, blood drives, and an online vegetarian cooking class. About once a month, a few church members work with the regional food bank and a neighboring church to distribute boxes of food to those in the Quadrant who are in need. The church also has active Facebook and Instagram pages that members of the community follow. The youth participated in these activities.
Prayer for God’s Guidance
None of this could be done without much prayer. The pastor has envisioned seven prayer groups comprising the members, with one specially designated for the youth. They meet at least once a week via Zoom. The map of the Quadrant is divided so that each group prays for a specific section.
Prayer is focused on the ministry in the Quadrant and for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, there would be no power in their ministries. The church members praise God for what He is doing in their community and Quadrant and are honored to be co-laborers with Him.
—Annette Barnes, elder, Joy of Troy church
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