There’s a new place to learn about ministry and leadership skills for New York Conference members—the Christian Learning Academy. Many people who know they have been called by God to... read more →
Things at the Westvale church are done differently due to COVID-19, but that does not stop ministry from happening. In the past, before COVID-19, the Prayer Ministries and Health Ministries... read more →
The pandemic, churches closing, and lockdowns took everyone by surprise. But while the churches were not completely prepared to do things differently, God had plans, as usual! New York Conference... read more →
New York Conference celebrated its first-ever online camp meeting, held because of the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ty Gibson, Light Bearers co-director and pastor of the Storyline Seventh-day... read more →
More than 150 church leaders from around the New York Conference participated in the “2020 Lay Training Series,” sponsored by the New York Conference. John Bradshaw, It Is Written speaker/director,... read more →
Thanks to the initiative of Claudio Gomez, New York Conference executive secretary, and Hilde Barrera, Union Springs Academy’s (USA) principal, several students spent a week on the North Coast of... read more →
New York Conference’s youth have been invited to “join the movement” by participating in a new initiative called the “You2 Challenge.” In it, elementary-, middle-, and high school-age students, who... read more →
Joan Payne, faith community nurse from Westvale church in Syracuse, New York, worked with Debbie Cox, New York Conference Health Ministries director, in coordinating a blood drive during this year’s... read more →